Haig Avenue- Southport FC Ground Guide


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Jan 17, 2015
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How Easy Was The Ground to Get To (from the station, by car, etc)
Southport is miles away from any motorway junction, so you are likely to have to take a long drive through either Crosby/ Formby if you're coming from Liverpool, or Ormskirk if you're coming from the M6. The train station in the town centre is quite a long way away. Meols Cop is the nearest station to the ground. The ground is also quite near the park and ride for the town centre, so you can use that too. Be aware that traffic is likely to be quite bad if you are playing Southport on a nice day or a bank holiday.

If Applicable, How is Parking Near The Ground?
Lots of street parking, with some restrictions immediately near the ground. I usually park on Scarisbrick New Road just past the sixth form college, as it is a bit quicker for getting out.

Based on Where You Were Sat, How Was the View?
The views are decent all round really. Two of the terraces are uncovered, the other is covered and has an unobscured view. The Grandstand has one big pole in the middle but thats it. Be aware that although they have been non league for a long time, Southport always enforce segregation, with away fans given the open Blowick Terrace, and a section of seats in the Grandstand.

How Were The Stewards on The Day?
No problems.

If You Ate at The Ground, How Would You Rate the Food?
Its not the best.

How Was The Atmosphere At The Ground, From Both Sets of Supporters? Does the Stadium Hold the Noise?
Its poor a lot of the time, with so much of it being uncovered. Tends to be better when Southport are attacking the Jack Carr Terrace, as the fans will usually all gather in there then, rather than using the uncovered popular side when attacking the other end.

How Are the Pubs and Local Attractions in The Local Area?
Not a whole lot immediately near the ground. The Richmond is a decent pub on Scarisbrick New Road, while the Thatch and Thistle is at the other end of Haig Avenue. There is also a chippy down Haig Avenue past the away turnstiles.

Overall Score Out of 10?
One of my favourite non league grounds. Always a good way to spend a free Saturday.

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