One car, three cops, 92 grounds, 92 hours, 2,400 miles all to raise £25,000 for The Children's Hospital Charity


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Jun 12, 2019
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sheffield wednesday
Firstly, thank you for reading this topic, as I am aware there are quite a few similar topics that go on. I am hopeful that the football link involved will capture some attentions and gain support from our football family!!

We are three serving police officers from Sheffield, South Yorkshire and in July, we will be taking on the challenge of visiting all 92 football league grounds in 92 hours. Within our trio, we have an Owl, a Blade and Spurs fan (That generally gets asked quite quickly!) Please don't give us too much abuse

One car, 3 cops, 92 grounds, 92 hours, 2,400 miles. We are taking on this challenge to raise money for The Children’s Hospital Charity, which supports The Children’s Hospital that services not only Yorkshire but the entire UK due to the specialist care they offer.

The Children’s Hospital is one of just three standalone specialist children’s hospitals in the UK. More than 269,000 patient journeys are made to the hospital each year and its work changes children’s lives from across the UK and around the world every day. My own daughter was born with a heart defect and the hospital looked after her welfare amazingly for a couple of years and we now have friends and colleagues who have their own children currently being treated in the Leukemia ward of the hospital. We are so lucky to have this amazing facility here in the UK to give people the best care possible.

We will be driving over 2,400 miles in a car and riding bikes to reach the London clubs. We will be eating and sleeping (not much) in the vehicle to complete the challenge to make sure we stick to our 92-hour limit. We will start this challenge at Barnsley Football Club at 8pm on Friday 12th July before finishing at Bramall Lane at 4pm on Tuesday 16th July.

We are trying to raise £25,000 for this amazing charity and we would love it if you could support us in any way possible. In the last few weeks we have set up social media profiles on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as can be seen below. Any donation that anyone can give would be massively appreciated. If you are not in a position to donate then any help you can give through retweets, shares and likes, etc to help us gain as much exposure as possible would also be appreciated

Every single penny that is made in charitable donations will go directly to transforming the Cancer and Ward at the Hospital.

Thank you once again for reading our post and if this is something you are willing to support we would really appreciate it.

If there is any chance this could be pinned that would also be really appreciated.

Please give us a wave and a smile as we travel across the country to a ground near you!!

Scott Sarson, James Thorpe and Jamie Henderson

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