DW Stadium- Wigan Athletic FC Ground Guide


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Jan 17, 2015
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DW Stadium- Wigan Athletic FC Ground Guide

How Easy Was The Ground to Get To (from the station, by car, etc)

The ground is about a 15-20 minute walk from the two town centre train stations. Traffic can be absolute murder if you're driving there, as the main directed routes from out of town take you through the busiest routes.

If Applicable, How is Parking Near The Ground?
There is parking at the ground, but be prepared for a long wait to get out, even when there are small crowds. The ground is built on a retail park, and they are on the ball when it comes to parking, so dont be tempted to just leave your car there or on Asda car park, as they do give out tickets. If you enter via the back route through Kitt Green though, there is a ton of street parking for free, and much quicker for getting out. If you set your SatNav for Scot Lane, come off the M6 at junction 26 and turn left (the stadium will be signposted to turn right, but ignore it) then right at the next crossroads, the SatNav will likely pick up your route there. Loads of free street parking across the road from the ground, and a very quick escape.

Based on Where You Were Sat, How Was the View?
Views are flawless all around, as you would expect with a modern stadium.

If You Ate at The Ground, How Would You Rate the Food?
We used to have the best pies around (Wigan's not famous for pies for nothing...) but Im lead to believe we have changed our suppliers which is a shame.

How Was The Atmosphere At The Ground, From Both Sets of Supporters? Does the Stadium Hold the Noise?
It is obviously pretty grim a lot of the time when it is so empty. And its a shame, because its a ground that does hold the noise very well, and on a good day, can be very loud.

How Are the Pubs and Local Attractions in The Local Area?
The ground is on a retail park, so plenty of places to eat. If you want a drink though, best to stick to the town centre, or drink in the ground. The Red Robin lets in away fans, but can be understandably very crowded on matchdays.

Overall Score Out of 10?
The ground itself is very good, though the away end can be a horrible squeeze when its actually full. Location and general low crowds, especially now Wigan are back in League One, hold it back.

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